70 High-Ticket Sales Letters - Thank You For Your Order

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More Ways to Profit from this Abundance of sales letters...

Here some real life examples where these done for you sales letters will come in handy...

Enter MULTIPLE niches within the I.M. industry that you know full well are profitable. Seen other marketers selling their own products and you know they're making a killing in but you have NO IDEA how to put together a sales letter or landing page that makes you sound like you know what you're on about?... Well now you can!

Turn EXISTING private label products and unfinished projects into hot sellers! Ever bought private label rights to a bunch of products in various niches but none of them came with a sales letter?... Use these sales letters to get your products sold!

Create IRRESISTIBLE landing pages that speak to the mind of your visitors! You want to build an email list and attract the right people but are still not quite sure what your audience wants or what their problems are?... Pick out headlines and bullet points from your sales letters to help you write irresistible squeeze pages that people will immediately sign up to.

Build a RELATIONSHIP with your readers! Ever wanted to been seen as an expert in the I.M. niche but you have NO CLUE what to put in your autoresponder sequence? Swipe the introductions and bullet points from the sales letters to find out what the main problems are and you'll be able to write engaging emails and mini-lessons in no time.

Write better VIDEO SCRIPTS and create attention-grabbing sales videos! Did you know every sales video starts with a video script? If you're terrible at preparing videos and just can't find the right words to get people's attention, then use these sales letters to plan a script! The headlines, subheadlines, bullet-points, testimonials, guarantees and post-scripts do 99% of the heavy lifting for you!

Write better TEXT ADS and create BANNERS that attract more clicks! Do you plan to use paid advertising to get more traffic?... Swipe the headlines and sub-headlines from the sales letters that talk directly to your prospect's mind and trigger their emotions. You'll see your click-thrus go through the roof!

Improve your CLICK-THRUS on search engines results page. What if your site is listed on the first page of Google for your keyword or keyphrase but your listing is displayed towards the bottom?... Use the text ad from the previous example to optimize your search results META description to attract more traffic. Anyone who glosses over the first page of results will notice your listing right away and voilà you have more traffic.

Create APPEALING product names and business brands. Want to give your new product a name, an identity or build a brand but don't know what to call it or what tagline to use?... Use the sales letters to help you come up with a catchy name that even cold prospects can instantly relate to. This alone will make you stand out from the competition and attract more customers your way.

Write EFFECTIVE articles, blog posts and social media posts. Do want to write better content to help promote your product or business but you don't know what the heck to write about?... Read through the sales letter and pick out problematic areas that can be easily expanded on in an article. Combine that with an effective title and you'll be churning out fresh new content in no time... or at the very least have a good idea of topics you want to outsource.

Write AMAZING sales letters with a proven to work structure and design formula. Do you have some idea of what to write, but don't know how to structure your sales letter in an effective way? Use the pre-written sales letters as a template to speed up your progress. No need to re-invent the wheel, just use what works and you're ready to profit!

You're getting the blueprints to the sales letters used to promote hot-selling products that activate the 'buying mode' in your prospects. You'll be able to enter a competitive and highly profitable niche with more credibility and a greater understanding of your market. Products will be easier to make, email messages will be easier to write, ads will be easier to write, and ultimately your sales will show for it. You will become and unstoppable sales machine!

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