*Grab 50+ Video Lessons with Unrestricted PLR! Act Now to Secure Basement Price!*

Who Else Wants to Grab Unrestricted 'Do What You Want' Private Label Rights to 56 Video Lessons!... You Can Even Give Them Away!

...without  Having to Spend Weeks, Even Months Researching, Planning and Creating Your own Videos from Scratch!

What you can do... Sell individually, start a membership site, sell with master resell rights, build a niche sales funnel create content-rich video email courses, transcribe and break down into articles, create your own packages, create home study courses, develop into a written or audio course, cross promote with other products build your name and brand plus much more!

If you're not using private label rights and master resell rights products to build your business then it's most likely because you've never heard of the term before or have never used it.

Over 99% of successful online marketers use or have used PLR or turn-key products in their business... and with good reason too because no one wants to create a product from scratch!

I mean look at it this way...

Who wants to sit down at the PC, looking at a blank screen, type away for countless hours just to come up with a 50-page eBook that 'may' or 'may not' sell?...

...Who wants to spend many more hours writing the perfect sales letter for that eBook, in the hope that people will buy it?

...And who wants spend many more hours designing a cover in the hope that it actually makes the product look desirable?

If you've ever done any of those 3 seemingly 'little tasks' you'll know how time-consuming the whole process is... not to mention how painful it is when you put so much effort into something and it still doesn't sell.

Then the other problem is hiring the professionals to do all the work for you...

Want 100% Unique Written Content?...

Expect to Pay for a 50-page 10,000 word eBook...

It's a possible option but depending on how well you want your eBook written you'd better be willing to pay anywhere from $200 to $1,000... to even $9,000+ just for a 50-page eBook with around 10,000 words. Just take a look at the prices on Fiverr for example...

The worst part... this will ONLY cover your eBook costs. You still need to sell it! So add another $300+ for a very basic sales letter... Even then, it still doesn't guarantee a finished and polished product. Most times, it will still require some editing on your behalf. If you want your product to really sell well... expect to pay upwards of $2,000 for a long-style 15 page sales letter with about 5000 words.

...and this still doesn't cover the cost of your video sales letter, your graphics, your give-away report, email campaign... or your training videos!

...and then this only represents ONE offer that you might sell for something like $29.95 in a niche market... $10-$17 in I.M. niche. What if you want to build out a sales funnel with at least 3 offers?

...Is it worth starting from scratch and doing everything yourself? No?... Then is it worth shelling out $600+ minimum for your first original barebones eBook product... before all the fancy stuff?...

...Or is it worth going all out and investing $11K+ to get the best quality original eBook and sales letter done?... (even then you'd have to sell 367 copies of your $29.95 eBook to break even!)

So what about videos you ask?...

Want 100% Unique Video Content Instead?...

Expect to Pay for a 60-Minute Video Tutorial...

A simple 200 word, scripted video tutorial that lasts 60 second will cost you around $15. Multiply that by 60 to get a full hour tutorial and that's $900 out of your pocket... and that's the cheaper version!

Choose a top-rated seller and you're looking at $50+ per minute of video. That's $3,000 for an hour tutorial.

I have nothing against outsourcing... and there's no doubt in my mind that you get what you pay for and I'm sure you'll end up with an amazing and unique video tutorial... but if the answer is no, then you've got to ask yourself...

... are you willing to put in the time and effort... not to mention hours of editing needed to create your own videos... just so you can attract free traffic and sell your own products?...

...are you really prepared to shell out a minimum of $900 for an hour video?

If you're answer is still no, then you're left kinda stuck... So the question is... how can you get the best of both worlds without going to the extremes?

What if there was a way for you to NOT start from scratch... but have the written content, graphics, training videos, sales videos and more done for you... WITHOUT having to pay thousands per product?...

And more importantly... what if you didn't have to sacrifice 100s of hours slaving away at the PC... and put so much effort into project that may completely flop?

That's Where Licensing Rights Step In...

And don't think for a second that licensing rights are just limited to product vendors...

If you're a blogger... you need to write interesting and relevant posts that attract the right people.
If you're a video blogger... you need interesting content to talk about in your videos.
If you're a list builder... you need to constantly produce interesting newsletters that keep your readers hooked.
If you're an affiliate marketer... you need to create landing pages and bonuses to prime your visitors for affiliate offers.
If you're a coach or mentor... you need quality content you can refer back to help train your students.
If you're a product vendor... you need products to sell and give-away, and need to constantly develop your sales funnel.

No matter what business model you use online you will need some form of content or product to help you make sales. If you want to skip the development costs, cut the stress, and have everything that you need right now to start making sales then you're on the right page.

Right now you can get your hands on a tremendous package of quality information products that people are not only actively looking for... but want to buy! You'll be able to get your hands on over 50 video lessons for a tiny fraction of the price it would cost you to create just one!

All the heavy lifting has been done for you. The market research, the on-camera video presentations, the video on-screen tutorials, video editing and rendering... done. All that's left is for you is to add your name, slap on your payment button and you're good to go! Zero risk - maximum profit.

Check out the entire range of products you'll be able to get your hands on within minutes from now...

PLR Product 1 - Affiliate Recruiting

If you don't have an affiliate program, then you are missing out on thousands of dollars in profits. A product with affiliate program can bring in multiple times more revenue that a product without.

The big players in the industry know this and know how important affiliate programs are and rewards those that promote your product.

An affiliate program allows you to have hundreds, if not thousands, of people selling your product or service for you and in return, you reward them by paying them on a per-lead or per-sale basis.

Most affiliate programs pay on a per-sale basis, meaning that you would pay a certain commission or percentage for each referred sale.

So what are some of the benefits of having your own affiliate program you ask? Increase in website traffic... Increased sales... Effective advertising... Back-end product triggers.

In this course we'll cover the essentials you need to know including...

Module 1 - Creating a JV or affiliate page
Module 2 - Posting on popular JV hubs and launch calendars
Module 3 - One on one recruiting

By the time you're done with this course you'll effectively know how to rally an army of affiliates to send traffic to your offers.

100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Product 2 - Banner Advertising

Fact: Banner ads are NOT dead. Yes, I know you're thinking... "Those annoying little banner ads...why would my customers want those in their faces?"

Well the fact of the matter, is there is a right way to do it, and a wrong way to do it.

The wrong way to do is plaster banner ads with blinking lights that say "BUY ME NOW!". The right way to do is blend it in with the existing site. That's just one free tip I'll give you now.

Did you know that most of the big companies use Media Buying, or in this case Banner Ads to bring in a ton of traffic?

Plus you can save a lot of money if done right. That's right. Instead of paying per click, if you've done your testing, you won't have to pay per click ever again.

Module 1 - Creating banner ads
Module 2 - Ad campaign goals
Module 3 - Setting up and running the campaign.

You'll effectively know how to create and run banner ad campaigns for your business.

100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Business 3 - Blogging Success Secrets

The biggest mistake that I see new bloggers make, every single day, are in trying to establish a blog that really caters to ONE person - themselves.

If you fail to do your homework and to analyze exactly what kind of blog is in demand BEFORE you construct it, there's no guarantee that your hard work will pay off. So, why are so many bloggers going about it the wrong way?

The simple fact of the matter is that they are not following a proven system. They are not taking into consideration that someone else has already been through the pain and suffering of testing, refining and optimizing. They have not taken into consideration that it's worth COPYING what already works!

Does it not make sense to model your business after something successful?

In this course we'll cover the essentials you need to know to leverage a blog for your business including...

Module 1 - Quick overview of blogging
Module 2 - Various places and platforms you can blog
Module 3 - Variety of topics and content you can add to your blog posts

By the time you're done with this course you'll learn how to effectively leverage blogging and content creation for your business.

100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Business 4 - Ecommerce Business

Anyone can start an eCommerce store, and they can be run by one person in the comfort of their home.

If you know how to source products correctly you don't even have to buy inventory until a sale is made. So this means you don't have to buy huge pallets full of products to get started.

Here is how the ecommerce business works in a nut shell...

You find products you want to sell in your online store, and you set up a special drop ship relationship with a supplier.

When someone comes to your website and orders, you order the item from your supplier, and they ship the item to your customer. You get to keep the profit that is left over from the supplier.

In this course we'll cover the essentials you need to know on how to create a Shopify store for your business.

Module 1 - How to set up a Shopify account
Module 2 - Designing and customizing your store
Module 3 - Stocking your store with products

By the time you're done with this course you'll effectively know how to plan out and create an awesome ecommerce store for your business.

100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Business 5 - Email Marketing Success

Have you ever purchased a product and somehow felt that it would be the last time you bought something from that place?

Did you somehow feel neglected by the salesman and once you made a purchase, they didn't want to have anything to do with you?

Unfortunately, many customers out there feel the same. They get the idea that all the business does is grab their hard-earned pay and ask them to scoot after that.

The truth is, sometimes customers make a purchase from a sales guy based on trust alone.

You see, your prospects and customers are human too. They want to deal with someone they know they can trust and will always give them value and be honest with them at all times.

And this is where as a business owner you'll need to start looking at building a customer list so you can not only connect with your target audience but also transform your skeptical subscribers into die-hard customers.

Imagine you have a list of a few hundred customers. All you'll need to do should you have a new product they would be interested in is just to blast an email out to all of them, and you'll have a substantial amount of cash even without having to source for new customers!

In this course, we'll cover the essentials you need to know on how to increase your revenue through email marketing.

Module 1 - Email platform basics
Module 2 - Actual email messages
Module 3 - Advanced automation

By the time you're done with this course, you'll know how to create and launch email campaigns for your business effectively.

100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Business 6 - Funnel Building

Let's face it... building an online business can be quite confusing!

You have to create products, you have to create upsells, you have to track conversions, you have to build a customer base, you have to attract prospects, you have to create and distribute content to get traffic, you have to manage your paid advertising and social media campaigns,

Then you still have to consider what emails should go out to your subscribers, what's the best product to sell to your first time customers, what's the best upsell, what's the best high-ticket offer, how to price everything, when to present these offers... amongst many other things.

It can get very confusing... and even when you do experience some success, you still have to put aside the hype and really question if what your doing can be done better... and in most cases it can!

The truth is if you don't have a sales funnel in place, then your business is not optimized and you're most likely leaving some serious money on the table.

In this course we'll cover the essentials you need to know on how to build effective sales funnels for your business.

Module 1 - Planning and choosing your funnel type.
Module 2 - Crafting and splitting your offers
Module 3 - Creating the funnel pages

By the time you're done with this course you'll effectively know how to build funnels that generate leads and sales for your business.

100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Business 7 - Hiring and Outsourcing

Many online marketers start their business with great ambition and attempt to do everything themselves.

However the more you try to do everything yourself, the more time and energy you use and eventually you will feel drained and burnt out. You won't be turning a profit either because you're too busy creating content for your business.

When you get others to work for you, your productivity increases dramatically, you get more done in less time with less energy and the only time spent will be the time managing and checking on other's work.

You won't be turning a profit yet, in fact you'll be at a small loss, but you're in a better position for publishing content, getting traffic, launching your product, networking, recruiting affiliates etc... the tasks that really matter and lead to profit.

In this course we'll cover the essentials you need to know to ease your burden, expand your capabilities and reduce costs by outsourcing and hiring virtual staff.

Module 1 - Hiring permanent virtual team members
Module 2 - Outsourcing jobs to freelancers for a specific project
Module 3 - Managing your virtual team

By the time you're done with this course you'll know how to effectively and affordably hire remote team members or freelancers for your business.

100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Business 8 - Lead Generation

If you've been around the internet marketing arena for any length of time then I'm sure you've heard the old saying that "The money is in the list".

While this is 100% true, why isn't everyone doing this and more importantly why doesn't everyone succeed?

Let's be point blank here... a list of subscribers that are interested in what you are selling is the key to your online success.

So the bottom line here is you need to begin building your list right now - as in starting TODAY!

Imagine having your own big email list of people that are genuinely interested in what you are selling, with the simple click of a button you could generate thousands (even tens of thousands) of dollars in days.

In this course we'll cover the essentials you need to know on how to collect leads and build your list.

Module 1 - Lead magnets
Module 2 - Landing page design
Module 3 - Traffic and optimization

By the time you're done with this course you'll learn how to effectively create lead generation campaigns and create massive growth for your business.

100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Business 9 - Marketing Automation

Most marketers and employees have very low productivity levels when it doing certain tasks. On top of that there are so many distractions these days that it decreases productivity, and business owners lose out.

With the right tools at your disposal, you'll discover how to become less distracted and many times more productive.

But what should you automate, what can you automate and which tools should you use? Do you really want to sift through thousands of business tools for the right one?

The fact is there are tons of tools available for internet marketers that will help you tremendously. Equally there are many tools and automation tasks that are just gimmicks and simply waste your time.

Fortunately for you, we have made the mistakes, and found the diamonds in the rough so you don't have to.

In this course we'll cover the essentials you need to know on how to increase your sales by automation workflows.

Module 1 - Overview of automation concepts and tools
Module 2 - Common automation workflows and campaigns
Module 3 - How to build your first workflow from scratch

By the time you're done with this course you'll know how to effectively use marketing automation for your business.

100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Business 10 - Messenger Marketing

If you want to leverage today's technology to generate leads or semi-automate your customer support then pay close attention...

According to Facebook, there are over 7 billion conversations taking place on Messenger every single day.

Messenger is growing bigger than Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter combined, every day, so there's a lot of opportunity for your business.

Many businesses are building chatbots to generate leads and semi-automate customer support which lead to more sales.

But the big roadblock that a lot of people face is trying to figure out how to do this.

In this course, we'll cover the essentials you need to know on how to increase your reach with messenger marketing bots.

Module 1 - Creating and connecting your many chat account
Module 2 - Overview of ManyChat platform
Module 3 - Setting up your first broadcast.

By the time you're done with this course, you'll know how to effectively use messenger bots for your business.


100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Business 11 - News Feed Profits

So what's so good about native ads and why should you start implementing them to your business?...

They are cheap - Prices vary based on device type, geography, topic, provider, and other targeting. But the arbitrageur can often buy premium clicks for desktop traffic in the USA for between 6 and 20 cents. 3 to 10 cents for mobile.

They are easy - Anyone who has ever tried AdWords, Facebook, or other advertising platforms knows that it takes some real expertise to create profitable ad campaigns. This is much easier with native ads primarily because there are not nearly as many moving parts. You'll see later in this book that most campaigns only have a handful of parameters, so the mechanics of setting up a campaign are quite easy. There is finesse and expertise required to achieve profitability but still, this is a lot simpler than learning AdWords.

They are effective - Digital arbitrageurs are making tons of money in the business with little more than simple WordPress websites, AdSense, and a native ads account.

In this course, we'll cover the essentials you need to know on how to drive targeted traffic from Facebook with native ads.

Module 1 - Marketing objectives
Module 2 - Audience, ad placement and budgets
Module 3 - Creating the ad

By the time you're done with this course, you'll know how to create and launch Facebook Ad campaigns for your business effectively.


100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Business 12 - Online Learning Profits

More and more people are coming online to seek out information on the internet. They not only do research, but they also BUY information. In fact, the internet has completely changed the way people find and consume information.

The demand is huge and due to the demand, millions of information products are being created. However, the majority of these products are low-quality products, created without much thought... and inevitably fail.

In fact, it is easy to fail in this industry if you do not know what you are doing and understand most importantly, what your customers are looking for.

However, that is why we got a successful product developer to show you what he is doing, to let you in on the secrets.

This course'll cover the essentials you need to know on how to incorporate e-learning in your business.

Module 1 - Recording video lessons
Module 2 - Uploading and creating your courses
Module 3 - Monetizing and managing your courses

By the time you're done with this course, you'll learn how to empower your customers, generate leads and revenue for your business.


100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Business 13 - Search Ads Secrets

Google is without question the world's premiere search engine. But it's become even more than a search engine since it's humble beginnings. Today, it also happens to have what is arguably the most powerful and far-reaching advertising network in the world.

Today, with Google AdWords, you can put your offers in front of motivated buyers as sponsored search results. This means people are seeing your ad at the very moment they are searching for your solution. What could be more powerful than that?

Then there's the Display Network. Ever notice all those image ads in the sidebars, top, and bottom of almost every website you visit? And more banners mixed in within content? Often retargeting ads for a product you recently viewed? There's a good chance most of those were part of the Google Display Network.

When you combine the perfect timing of search result ads and the far-reach of the display network with the very reasonable cost per click of Google AdWords... it becomes a must-have advertising solution.

In this course, we'll cover the essentials you need to know on how to setup paid search advertisements using Google Adwords.

Module 1 - Ad campaign goals
Module 2 - Ad groups and keywords
Module 3 - Creating the ads and monitoring performance

By the time you're done with this course, you'll know how to effectively launch search engine campaigns and bring in massive traffic to your business.


100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

PLR Business 14 - Split Testing Guide

Many marketers will create a website without giving it much thought and drive a bit of traffic... only to find out later that the site doesn't make enough sales, or worse still doesn't convert at all.

Just think what difference it would make if you knew what elements to tweak that could double, triple, even quadruple your sales and profit! What difference would that make to you?

The principles taught in this course will help you improve the conversion rates of every area of your business including...

Increase the profits from any sales letter... Have a higher and more proftiable click through rate on your adverts... Increase your completed actions on any CPA offer... Get more people to buy affiliate products you promote... Increase your autoresponder signups and make them pounce on any offer you promote... Track your profits and buyers and make more people pay you money... just to name a few.

Tracking and split-testing isn't rocket science. It isn't advanced mathematics or difficult to understand. It is a sound principle with its basis in offline marketing, one that has been used by markters for decades if not longer to increase their profits.

In this course, we'll cover the essentials you need to know on how to boost the performance of your pages and offers using split-testing.

Module 1 - Common elements that can be tested
Module 2 - Test variations
Module 3 - Analyzing results

By the time you're done with this course, you'll know how to effectively optimize your pages and get higher conversions for your business.


100% Done for You Video Course with UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights worth $197!

Get 50+ High Quality Video Training with Unrestricted Private Label Rights to Use How You Want!... Even Give Them ALL Away!

With a little creativity you can add your own profitable touch to these products, rebrand them to match your business brand, add them to existing products, or offer them as bonuses for affiliate promotions, bundle them or develop them into completely new products.

Just doing this to ONE product alone will be a very profitable move for you...It's down to you how far you want take it!

Start a $20/mth master resell rights membership
Start a $10/mth video training membership
Sell individually for $7-$17 a piece
Start a niche store and sell video courses individually
Bundle all the videos together for a higher price
Create irresistible high-ticket $97 OTOs and down-sells
Transcribe and use as article/blog/social content for traffic
Offer 100% commissions for insane affiliate traffic to build your list
Submit partial videos on YouTube for traffic
Cross-promote products on thank you pages with partners
Use as bonuses to boost your affiliate income
Use as 'done for you' bonuses for your JV partners
Offer as customer incentive gifts for leaving feedback
Develop your video course into a high-end product, add your style, and flip on Flippa
Sell individually on CD on eBay using Kunaki's automated service

Take action now and click the order button to secure your wholesaler deal!

Our products are designed to help you simplify your business and help you turn a profit faster as a green newbie or experienced marketer from day one. We put countless hours into creating quality content that you can profit from.

So the real question is are you ready to put your products to good use and start making sales? We think so! You have absolutely nothing to lose and so much more to gain... and honestly if you're committed to your business, you'll be too busy getting new leads and sending out promotion emails and making sales!

Watch a few demo videos now to see what your subscribers and customers will see..

FAST ACTION Complementary Bonus!
ACT NOW and You'll Also Receive an Entire
Duplicate of this Special Offer so You Can
Flip Everything 'As Is' for Even More Cash!

Act now and you'll also receive your very own special offer page similar to what you're seeing now so you can present your own subscribers with one heck of a deal!

No need to write a new salesletter, no need to design graphics, Just slap on your payment button, upload and sell!

Please note however that this super bonus WILL NOT be around forever and can be taken down at any time. If you want to get the best deal, have your very own business and maximize your profit then be sure to secure this bonus now! This bonus alone will multiply your income instantly.

A Value of $197! Yours FREE!!



A Value of $147! Yours FREE!!


A Value of $147! Yours FREE!!


A Value of $67! Yours FREE!!

Grab Unrestricted 'Do What You Want' Private Label Rights to 56 Video Lessons!... You Can Even Give Them Away!

...without  Having to Spend Weeks, Even Months Researching, Planning and Creating Your own Videos from Scratch!

What you can do... Sell individually, start a membership site, sell with master resell rights, build a niche sales funnel create content-rich video email courses, transcribe and break down into articles, create your own packages, create home study courses, develop into a written or audio course, cross promote with other products build your name and brand plus much more!

Normal Price $297
Special Discount Applied! Your Price...
Only... $47 $17

I Want You To Take The Next 14 Days And Put Our PLR Videos Through The Full Ringer.

And if after doing so for the next 14 days after your purchase - you don't agree that this is the best PLR offer we'll issue you a prompt and courteous refund no questions asked

Plus, we'll let you keep the fast action bonuses as our way of saying thanks. So now you have nothing to worry about. We're taking on all the risk while you reap all the rewards.

"...Materials are great and I can't wait to get my hands on it!... Wish everyone the very best of luck!"

I am just starting out, but seems easy to use! I used my PayPal to protect my purchases and monitor my payments. The materials are great and I can't wait to get my hands on it. I am particularly interested in the marketing section. Wish everyone the very best of luck and good hunting for those buyers and affiliates. - Karl Coffield

"Your PLR package is one of the best investments of the year... and probably beyond! You get an A++ with this one!"

Tarnell, I very rarely write testimonials, mainly because it is hard to find real quality products to endorse. Your PLR package is one of the best investments of the year (and probably beyond). I've downloaded and reviewed everything and I'm seriously blown away with this and I think anyone who decides to invest in this will be too. You get an "A++" with this one! - Daniel Cortes

"Thanks so much for the great value on the dollar!... You get a customer for life"

Hey Tarnell, I've been buying products from you for years and I always do it confidently because I know that as usual, you provide great content and great quality for an extremely amazing price. Now, with this PLR package, you went even higher by providing rarely seen value and choice for the price. Kudos! You get a customer for life. Best regards. - Andre Foisy

"It's really amazing! All my colleagues are shocked because his designs can sell a lot of copies!"

Hi, my name is Dan Kidd and I'm working as a Russian infobusinessman. I work in the graphics niche and all Tarnell Brown's works inspire me. I try to buy all his PLR products to get PSDs to use them in my business. I don't have any words, but it's really amazing! All my colleagues are shocked because his designs can sell a lot of copies. Thanks to you! - Dan Kidd www.RaiseYourProfit.com

"I bought your PLR package because I think that it's excellent value for the money!"

I bought your PLR package because I think that it's excellent value for the money. I am planning to break up most of the modules and use the products *separately* as lead magnets on my squeeze pages - maybe with a few of the remaining products of the same module as an upsell. A free giveaway on a squeeze page combined with an upsell right after opt-in is a proven way of building your list fast and often in even 'self-funded' - and this gives me all the components to do this in the very lucrative self-help niche. - Steven Jenkins

"I have made back my money plus MORE over and over again!... Make sure you keep up with Tarnell's releases and you will never look back."

I have been involved in internet marketing for over 13 years now and have purchased many of Tarnell's Resell Right Products over time. Let me tell you, I have made back my money plus more over and over again. All Tarnell's products go beyond being user-friendly for the purchaser. Such an easy, virtually automated setup! Essential when you want to get it out there and start earning straightaway. I especially love his plugin email sequences. Make sure you keep up with Tarnell's releases and you will never look back. - Suzanne Howarth www.BlogAndProfit.com/blog

"Content amazes me and blows me away... I instantly get so many ideas on what to do with their unique materials."

For anyone considering buying and using PLR in their business, this is the way to go. They simply go beyond all our expectations overdelivering all the time, taking PLR to the next level, meeting the demands of the web. The reality is simply this...Over the past couple of years, I (and I assume most internet marketers have as well) purchased PLR several times, just to forget about it, letting the package just lay unopened in the computer, gathering digital dust. But with this you can't wait to open their zip files and dive right into their brilliant material filled with high-quality content. Time and time again their content amazes me and blows me away. And I instantly get so many ideas on what to do with their unique materials. So if you are interested in increasing your web presence, building a better internet business, etc., do yourself a favor and find what you're looking for immediately from Manic Marketing Madness. I doubt you will be sorry. The Internet is today a fast-changing arena. And to keep up with the rapid pace, of delivering great content for your blogs, businesses etc., you need a easy to use blueprint for success...With this PLR package, you will get the ultimate starting point you need. You just have to put it to work with your own imagination and ideas. I definitely encourage every serious online business entrepreneur to check out what they can do for them. Because content is always King on the internet. So... All I can say is such a big thank you. Keep up the good work. All the best. - Bill Carter

"Great customer service and first-class products!... I can create great products from this...Turn into unique quality products!"

Just the stuff I needed for my change your life site, great customer service and first-class products. I can create great products from this material to sell on my self-improvement site. Like all PLR material, it takes a lot of work but the baseline is there for me to turn into unique quality products. - Steven Erlick

"One of the biggest PLR collections I have seen!... Everything that you could need to become THE player!"

One of the biggest PLR collections I have seen! There's a wealth of knowledge in these books, the challenge will be do you read before you sell? You can guarantee that there are several real nuggets in each book, and you'd be foolish not to but to invest in yourself, let alone your business. Covey is in there, and so are Tony Robbins' messages. Why learn from a Giant when you can become a Titan by learning from a Titan! - Derek Atkinson

"WOW! So much PLR & so little time!...You always provide good value for the money and this is NO exception!"

The products are grouped into 'read-to-go' packages which makes this really easy for customers to pick and mix - no matter what aspect of Self-Development that they want to read about and learn from. Thanks, Tarnell - you always provide good value for the money and this is no exception. The bonus items are also very useful. - Colin Imeson (CIS Marketing Group & Oakleaf Publishers)

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