SALE - Get Your 14 Video Courses With Unlimited PLR!
Also comes with Resell Rights to the entire package...
Almost there!
If you've ever tried building a series of emails for your list before you'll know that you can spend a whole day doing this!
If you want to copy and paste professionally written emails that are proven to build response with your subscribers and customers and get them to take action then you'll love this!
These email templates alone give you a blueprint on how to communicate to your list and will eliminate any stalling and creative thinking time on your part. You're ready to edit, copy and paste and follow up.
You get over 950 lengthy and informative email messages that target almost all sub-niches within the internet marketing niche. These are ACTUAL emails we use to promote our own products, so you're getting the real deal.
Use these emails as a template to inform your subscribers, pre-sell them on an idea, and to write your emails quicker. All the work for you so you can simply edit, copy and paste these emails into your autoresponder to build a relationship with various groups of subscribers to build rapport and ultimately increase your sales.
"Your time is definitely limited. There's no changing that. But what you do have control over is what you do in the time you have.... In this video you're about to discover how to solve this problem once and for all so you can become unstoppable in your personal and business life..."
The script is short, sweet, and to the point and will make for a great video intro for a tutorial or sales video. And that was only two paragraphs taken from ONE email. You could literally create 100s of these intros and never be stuck for ideas. Just think how much thinking and time you save on this alone!
The profit potential here is truly UNLIMITED...
...Because the emails have been written with so much care and attention, you essentially have high quality PLR content to speed up any content creation within your business.
Each email has been written by yours truly so rest assured that each message has that PERSONAL touch... something that article writing software and your average article writer CANNOT do - as they simply don't have the experience.
This is a mini-training course I did with well-known seven-figure marketer Steven Alvey on making money by creating infoproducts on topics you already..
Steven provided detailed instructions on how to set up an eLearning center to deliver your course after you have created it.
**Note: Steve instructs our students on using a platform called EverLesson, but the principles are similar for any membership/course delivery platform, even if the interfaces and usage are different, Naturally, Tarnell prefers ProductDyno...
**If you have any problems or questions, please visit our Support Desk by clicking the button in the upper right corner of this page.
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